Monday Morning Motivation…”Praying through Our Tears” from GuidePosts Magazine  

Post from The Beginning…2013
Another rough week.  I have learned that my situation can throw you into depression and that is what has seemed to have happened to me.  I have had sorrow, I have sadness, and I have had disappointment, but depression is an entirely different creature.  It gives me a greater respect for people living with this awful condition.  I never realized an acute event could produce it.
Anyway….I was reading GuidePosts Magazine online and came across a quote from Julia Attaway that seemed to fit me…

“I’ve had a week straight out of Romans 8:26: “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” There are times the heart hurts so much it is mute. 
Even so, I can still offer God what I have: my tears.

I can ask him to use my tears to water the seed of my faith, so that I grow closer to Christ instead of drawing away.I can ask him to use my tears for good: to wash away someone else’s suffering.I can ask him to unite my tears to those that Jesus cried (John 11:25), to make me more like him.And finally, when suffering silences me, I can trust that the Lord will ask others to pray for me and my family and all who are hurting.”     Amen Julia!
Seeing beauty through the pain and tears….My weekend with my family…

If you are going though a difficult time in your life,  take baby steps.  One foot in front of the other and try to lean on God.   If you can’t form the words to pray remember the Holy Spirit will pray on your behalf.  I am so thankful for that:-)